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How To Get A Bodybuilder Shape In Short Time

How To Get The Super Lean Fitness Model Body Quickly!

Bodybuilding is a lifelong endeavour that cannot be accomplished in a week or two. Consistency, training, hard effort, and most importantly “time” are all necessary for getting that super lean fitness model body. A muscular, athletic body makes you look super kool and you can carry off practically anything you wear with finesse. But, the problem is ‘All good things take time’ and man is an impatient animal. It’s hardly a week at gym and we’re already looking for results, a miraculous appearance of atleast a few abs to inspire us to continue. Well, let me tell you, that’s difficult but not impossible. Use the right supplements, train the appropriate body parts, and you’re almost there in a few weeks time.

Most of us can’t afford to spend 4 hours or even 2 hours in the gym in today’s hectic world. This post will walk you through the processes to achieve the best outcomes in terms of time and appearance. Targeting the proper body parts with these four basic exercises, as well as the apps and supplements listed below, will help you achieve a body builder’s physique in a fraction of the time.

All males want to have a bodybuilder’s classic figure. We all want greater muscles and lower waistlines. In addition, we require bodybuilding outcomes in a shorter period of time. Then employing the art of bodybuilding, a wise approach to training will be the best way to achieve your desired results.

In this post, we’ll look at the best ways to develop a slim, strong body with a lot of functional strength. You should practise these exercises for at least four weeks to see the best effects.

Everyone does not have enough time to go to the gym and work out in today’s fast-paced world. As a result, this article provides you with the necessary information on the finest bodybuilding workout that is simple and easy to do at home.

“Look in the mirror and recognise yourself as a competitor.”

Yes, you are your own only competitor. You pick how to effectively develop your muscles and where you need to boost your muscle mass building. Strength training and aerobic routines should be used to work your muscles effectively, as this will help you gain lean body mass. When you look in the mirror, you should concentrate or focus on the four major portions of the body: arms, chest, shoulders, and abs.

Workouts To Target The Different Body Parts

As we all know, having a WWE wrestler body requires a tremendous amount of devotion and hard work. People frequently go to the gym and work out for months in order to achieve that perfect chiselled body. However, if you want to appear remarkable to others, you can attend to any gym or work out session!
All you have to do is focus on a few key areas to help you achieve that attractive toned physique that will turn attention wherever you go. In workouts such as shoulders, arms, chest, and abs, the technique used here is well targeted on the key muscles of the body. You’ll be on track in just one hour a day, with 15 minutes for each part to work out.


  • Triceps dips are the ideal arm workout since they strengthen your arms and shoulders.
  • They can be done anywhere that is convenient for you.
  • Place your head on the edge of another chair and use your triceps to lift it upwards.
  • Drop forward, then lower until your elbows are bent at 45–90 degrees.
  • Then return to the starting position by pushing the back upwards and repeat.


  • The most effective chest workout is regular push-ups, which target the pectorals, anterior deltoid, triceps, and serratus anterior.
  • This exercise requires you to lie face down on the floor with your palms at shoulder level.
  • The fingers must be pointing in the direction of progress.
  • Then try to push yourself up until your body weight is supported solely by your hands and toes, then lower and repeat.


  • Crunches are the most efficient abdominal exercise; first, contract your abs and then lie down with your hands beneath your head.
  • Then, with your shoulders off the floor, slowly pull your chest upwards.
  • Lower your back to the ground and keep your shoulders off the floor.
  • Try not to relax your abs until you’ve completed all of the reps.


  • A dumbbell overhead press will be the ideal shoulder workout. It increases the strength of the shoulders totally and accesses the core for stability.
  • This can be done while sitting or standing. The dumbbells should be held horizontally in the shoulders or rotated in a hammer grip.
  • Beginners should start with a lightweight fight. Try to do them in this order for ten times.
  • Women can handle 5-pound d5-pounds, whilst men can handle 10-pound d10-pounds.

Top Four Supplements for Bodybuilding Assistance

Taking a supplement by itself will not help you achieve your bodybuilding goals. Combine these with your regular workouts and diet. Let’s have a look at some of the greatest bodybuilding supplements on the market.

1.    Creatine Monohydrate

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Creatine is found in muscles and gives your body with the necessary energy during severe exercise such as weight lifting. This supplement improves strength and endurance when participating in weight lifting events. It contributes to improved overall performance.

2.    Branched Chain Amino acids (BCCAs)

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Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are three amino acids found in it. They are the most significant amino acids; they are essential for muscle growth and easy muscular strengthening. This one is great for after a workout because it helps with muscular aches and injuries.

3.    Whey protein

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Whey proteins are a good source of BCCAs, and they are quickly absorbed by the body. It is recommended to consume them after a strenuous activity; whey protein should be consumed one hour after the workout.

4.    Glutamine

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Another amino acid that benefits in the alleviation of stress during intensive exercise is glutamine. It aids in the elimination of ammonia that has accumulated in the human body in excess. An imbalance in acid-base equilibrium results from the excess ammonia.

Four Best Bodybuilding Apps for Android & IOS

  1. Strong workout tracker Gym Log

  2. Fitocracy Workout Fitness Log item

  3. StrongLifts 5×5 Weight Lifting

  4. Fitness22

These apps make it easy to get fitness coaching without having to go to the gym. These applications have a lot of users, and they can help you achieve the best benefits from your workout. They also assist you in determining the optimum exercise for burning fat and growing muscle in order to improve your overall workout performance. As a result, with these simple-to-use apps, you can enjoy your workout at home.

Strength training is an important part of any fitness routine; it can help prevent muscle loss, which is typical as we age, therefore it’s important to build and strengthen your muscles and tissues. As a result, bone density is improved, minimising injury risk and alleviating arthritis pain.

Keep in mind that everyone has a distinct metabolic rate (BMR), necessitating the use of different nutrients for each individual. Know what they are and take them with confidence. You can speak with an expert nutritionist for accurate information and suggestions on using the ideal supplement to safely and securely increase muscle mass. m.

“Take Care of your Body. It’s the Only Place you have to Live”

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