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Learn A Language and Earn More!!

When you begin learning a language as an adult, you have a specific purpose for doing so: you need it for your career, you want to relocate to another country, or you are in love with someone who speaks a foreign language. Your ability to remember information will improve as your motivation increases.

Learning a second language is the best way to bolster your credentials. Whatever your profession, learning foreign languages will always be a notable accomplishment on your resume.

The 8 Best Foreign Languages To Learn In 2022

This is a very important decision to make. To make it simple, let’s check out the eight best languages you could learn in India this year.









Depending on the available resources, the country you are planning to move to and on your capability is the essential criteria to help you select an appropriate language.

People who work in Indian call centres in the Customer Service sector who are only graduates with a working knowledge of Spanish or French earn around 50k INR per month.

Now, doesn’t that sound exciting?

Language Learning Apps- Learn Language by Yourself:

You simply need to spend 30 minutes a day, on an app like “Duolingo,” and you could become an elementary level speaker of a particular language within 6 months, the best part being that it’s free of cost. It would be a much more productive use of your phone than than the hours you spend whiling away on social media, watching the same posts over and over!

Knowing a second language will assist you in obtaining a visa and, of course, even a brilliant career chance you wouldn’t want to miss.

To be honest, I’ve been learning Spanish with the help of Duolingo, and it has helped me a great deal more than any book ever could.

There is no such thing as a dead end, and it is almost certain that after you finish learning a language, your earnings and chances will skyrocket. It’s quite simple, and all that you require is:

  • A mobile phone with internet connection
  • A language app like Duolingo
  • 30 minutes of your day
  • A Google translate app installed in your phone

Once you start the Language learning process on any app you are good to go. Don’t fix any deadlines. Just 30mins a day will be a good start. Do this as a mind refresher every day. Though it’s a bit time consuming, once you will start remembering the words your interest will be rolling in. You need to remind yourself that once it is done, you can have the cake and eat it too.

Install Google Translate whenever you’re learning a language on your own. It allows you to grasp things better because you can write down and check your mistakes. So, here the program takes on the role of a teacher as you choose from and learn English, the most widely spoken language, followed by Mandarin/Chinese, Spanish and Hindi in third and fourth places, and Arabic in fifth place.

In terms of employment, an Indian can study any of the following, in addition to the English language, according to my experience.

  • Mandarin
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Arabic
  • German
  • Italian

A language lesson can cost anywhere between Rs.10,000 and Rs.15,000. In comparison to other languages, Spanish is a simple language to learn and understand with an app. The Duolingo app is available for free, offering a well-designed structure and curriculum. I’m referring to “Duolingo” because it’s what I use for Spanish. I believe my Spanish level has advanced beyond elementary, and I intend to take the DELE exam in the near future.

You can always ask tubers for assistance. For example, I found this video on how to learn ‘Spanish in 10 minutes’ quite enlightening.

Such videos are available on the internet to assist you in understanding the scope and subject language.

You can give it a shot and learn it even if just for fun. 30 minutes is a blip on the radar. I was quite enthusiastic at the beginning, but my enthusiasm began to fade as time passed. Yet, I kept my 90-day streak of at least 30 minutes on the app going. It’s our Spanish time, according to the app.

Personally, I prefer learning through this application rather than going to classes. A friend of mine is using the same software to learn French. Although she initially studied French in a classroom setting, she now prefers using Duolingo.

It’s Free and Easy, No deadlines, complete Fun, Resume highlighter, opportunity creator for all the enthusiastic language learners out there. Learn a Language and move abroad, get a job of INR 50k with just a Bachelor’s degree in IT sector or international MNC’S/BPO’S/KPO’S etc.

For the rest of your life, it will be an important decision if you’re motivated and passionate about the language you’ve chosen.

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