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How To Look Younger – HACKS!

Secrets To Look Younger

She said, “You seem to be ageing gracefully”. I was like, “Well! Age is just a number”. But deep down I knew I was ageing and I didn’t actually like that.

The fact is that no one likes to age these days even if it’s hard to acknowledge. Especially when you see people who simply never seem to age; people who can afford to spend a great deal to look younger and fitter. Money does make the mare go but there is always an alternative for everything and tips to reinvent yourself within your means.

Yes! You could look beautiful and younger too with a few amazing hacks that are easy to afford and simple to execute.


Get The Glass Skin

Whether we talk about beauty or about eternal youth, the name of Cleopatra always pops up in our minds. This Egyptian queen remains a source of perennial fascination for her luxurious milk and honey bath and her glass like beautiful skin. However, we cannot afford such a luxury today. But we could certainly get that glass like lustrous skin and youthful sheen with a little bit of care.

Well, the so-called ‘Glass skin’ is the skincare that originated in Korea. It is in great demand because of the way it hydrates and nourishes the skin, making it look healthier and glowing. No more pores, scars or flakes, no more pigmentation or acne; but the perfect balance of oil and hydration resulting in a face as beautiful as a rose.

All you need is to do is follow a few basic steps conscientiously and consistently.

  • Cleansing the skin in the morning and before going to bed and of course whenever you come home from outside. Get the cleanser that is just right for your skin (oily, dry or combination skin).
  • Exfoliating the skin helps remove the dead skin cells, unclog the pores and make it smoother and toned. The call is to do it once or twice a week with an exfoliant that favors your skin tone. There are such scrubs that are are excellent exfoliants, gentle and devoid of artificial color or fragrances.

You could use natural home-made cleansers and exfoliants like raw milk cleanser and sugar scrub exfoliant.

The Magic Of Aloe Vera

Since we are Asians, our major problem is our skin is more prone to moisture loss, a skin barrier that is weaker compared to our Western counterparts. That gives us more reason to protect our skin from damage.

I’ve had this peculiar kind of thorny plant in my backyard which I only recently discovered was actually a priceless treasure. Known to be ‘the plant of immortality’, it contains 75 potentially active constituents including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, etc making it ideal for health, beauty, medicinal and skincare.

A widely used ingredient in skin care products, aloe vera can be applied to the skin as well as taken orally as a gel or tablet supplement. It has been proven that aloe vera helps decrease the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines besides its other benefits to the skin.

How to use Aloe Vera

You can apply the gel directly on your face or mix other ingredients to it as per your skin texture. To apply directly, cut a piece of its leaf and the thorns before squeezing out the gel to use or you could even run the gel-side of the leaf on the face.

Have A Good Calcium Intake

You already know how important it is to drink ample amount of water everyday. What you may be lacking in is the knowledge of certain supplements required to slow down your ageing process. Calcium is one of them. It is that little known secret that keeps you vibrant at any age, a pivotal supplement indeed. Why? Because it gives your skin what it needs to regenerate. Besides, it keeps your bones strong too and if the foundation is strong, you needn’t worry about wrinkles and skin sagging in the near future.

You can get your calcium from calcium rich foods or else bank on the calcium supplements available. All that matters is your body is receiving the calcium when it actually needs it. 

Stop Your Aging Mouth

Did you ever think your teeth could be ageing you? Well! I never did but as soon as I was enlightened, I started wondering how I could stop that. Here is what I found.

Did you ever think your teeth could be ageing you? Well! I never did but as soon as I was enlightened, I started wondering how I could stop that. Here is what I found.

Your gums age with years and begin to recede. Surprisingly, 1 among 3 people suffers from gum disease. And after years of drinking beverages or smoking and alcohol consumption, your teeth get discolored and that not only sounds bad but looks even worse.

To look younger, not just skin hygiene but dental hygiene is also of paramount importance. And all you need to do is follow a strict regime of:

  • Regular flossing and brushing
  • Professional tooth whitening treatment when needed
  • Intake of vitamins to maintain healthy teeth

Since years, scientists, doctors, researchers and such have been trying to beat the most debilitating condition known to humans, ageing. Perhaps someday there will be supplements that may stop our cells from ageing or the possibility of replacement of our damaged organs. For now at least we can thank certain encouraging hacks that help people age in better shape.


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